The 115th episode of BEATS WORKING dropped this week—links to all social media platforms are below; you know what to do 😉 Do you want graphics to share on social? Reply to this email, and we’ll send them your way 🎉

Dele Downs Kooley shares her transformative journey of overcoming life’s inevitable challenges using her PIVOT framework and the “Five Givens” from “The Five Things We Cannot Change.” From surviving a traumatic accident to navigating career and personal upheaval, Dele’s story is a testament to resilience and intentional action.

Classy Problems is a daily post of thinking in motion by Dan T. Rogers.

Each post stands alone as a thought-provoking piece, yet together they create a puzzle of ideas. They invite you to see things from a different angle, rethink what you thought you knew, and explore what’s beyond your current understanding.

Have you opted in? An example for your reference:

For Fun and For Free, No Strings Attached

Classy Problems just reached its 90-day milestone and has been a pursuit of clarity, not certainty. Thank you for following and contributing your voice. A throwback was indicated to re-share as we turn this corner AND to gift, with no strings attached.

Certainty and Clarity

Certainty is a mental construct designed to make us feel good. More bluntly, it's a mental exercise to make us feel safe. Certainty is focusing on what we want or what we think we can get.

Certainty starts and ends with two words: I know. From experience, I’ve learned that those are the two most dangerous words I can utter. Do we really know? Maybe. Maybe not so much.

Clarity, on the other hand, is the emergence of vision that frees us from confusion — an understanding that requires no further explanation. The exactness of clarity can be both exhilarating and terrifying.

Clarity is when we know we don’t have all the answers, but we still know what to do. And we do it anyway. Clarity focuses on contribution, not outcome.

The most rewarding contributions are made for fun and for free, with no strings attached. True gifts of clarity — they are given because they are indicated, not because we seek return or certainty.

Giving without expectation won’t bring certainty, but it will offer clarity.

What contribution can you make, for fun and for free, just because?

PS …

What has become clear to us is that without your engagement and contribution, Classy Problems would not be the generative device that it is. As a thank you, we would like to gift you a Classy swag bundle — to receive yours for fun and for free, no strings attached EMAIL US.

For Classy Problems direct to your inbox, OPT-IN HERE

Here we go!


Have you listened to this episode of @beatsworkingshow? In a word: amazing. Do yourself a favor and go to for links to listen!

#BeatsWorking #BeatsWorkingPodcast #WorkP2P #PuttingWorkFirst #RedeemWork #BusinessPodcast #Business #Leadership #Entrepreneur


Have you listened to this episode of @BEATS WORKING Show? In a word: amazing. Listen and let me know what you think! 

#BeatsWorking #BeatsWorkingPodcast #WorkP2P #PuttingWorkFirst #RedeemWork #BusinessPodcast #Business #Leadership #Entrepreneur

*If you aren’t following BEATS WORKING on social media, here’s where you can find us:

BEATS WORKING Facebook: @BeatsWorkingPodcast

BEATS WORKING Instagram: @BeatsWorkingShow